Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Settling In...

Well, I am officially my estimation, anyway. I have a first grader, I can no longer pretend that he is  baby anymore. I think that exercise is getting embarrassing for both of us! He is loving school and is already off to a great start. So is Rainey, she just started at a new school and loves it.

The first week of school was amazingly busy with a birthday party every night of the week. We were all exhausted by the end of the week. After one of the parties Rainey announced that she would be 5 on her next birthday.  I took issue with that statement because I would like for her to stay 4 for...ever! Anyway, she said, "Mom, I have to keep growing." OK, ok, she has a point.

So I say to the kids that I sometimes wish I were a kid again.

To which, she responds, "Mom, don't be sad you have a mom and a dad, you are a kid!"
I love that kid! She may be younger than I am, but I am figuring out that she may be wiser. I am in big trouble.

Happy September!