Monday, November 29, 2010

Well Crap...

My in-laws stayed the night on Thanksgiving and we had a lovely Thanksgiving Day...but the next morning I had a realization. I walked in and said, "Well, crap (or maybe I used a not as nice a word as crap...I am lucky, I have very understanding in-laws), now it's Christmas."

It all flows in after Thanksgiving...all those good intentions I had all year. December 25th, 2009 I promised myself that 2010 WOULD be different: I would shop early, address Christmas cards in August, be more organized. I still have last years cards, unaddressed, taunting me...seriously, in case you were wondering if you were kicked off the list, now you know. Well, I am sure you know the drill. Anyway, I have been kicking my own tail getting Christmas jewelry ready for other people's good intentions that were actually followed through on. I guess that is something isn't it?

My new good intention involves really appreciating what Christmas is really about...that usually gets me through.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Five fat turkeys and one crazy 4-year-old

Ok, I am not sure if this is going to work, but I am going to try to post a video. Please do not curse at, damage or become frustrated with your computer...You will not see anything. I videoed Rainey in the dark singing her song for the Thanksgiving program until I had to cut her off because she just couldn't stop. Now I hear it in my head at all times! It is so cute but I possibly need to post a warning that it will become a permanent part of your psyche.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wow, a shocking return...

The worst part of being on a wonderful relaxing vacation is re-entry. That is what I like to call it anyway....I go from everyone asking, "Can I get you anything, Mrs. Green? Manicure, massage, cocktail?" to everyone saying, "Momma, Momma, Momma, Momma, Momma!" Accompanied by towering stacks of mail and laundry piled as high it can go without an avalanche.

I know, I know, poor me! Anyway, it is amazing how things pile up while you are gone for a few days. I think I am getting myself back together.

I returned from my trip to do a jewelry show in Dallas that benefitted Camp John Marc, which is a wonderful and worthwhile cause. The link is is a Camp for children with special needs. I truly enjoyed meeting all of the other vendors that were showing their wares. They were impressive young women that designed handbags, clothing, stationary, tablecloths, etc. I was blown away! My friend and I kept discussing how amazing and mind-boggling it was that they had the knowledge, savvy and foresight to pull something like that off at such a young age. It just goes to show that you can't ever make big things happen unless you go for it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Just when you think it can't get any better!...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rangers Party

Last night at the Rangers....ummm, unvictory party Pat sang "Take me out to the ballgame!" So much fun! Kellis had a ball and got to meet several players, Charley Pride and this little guy:
SO CUTE! This kid has been all over the place...maybe they are the future of music and baseball?